Thursday, April 09, 2015

Looking--Letter #37

Dear Governor Ducey,
I went on an interpretative nature hike yesterday. The area was called “Watchable Wildlife.” There were signs pointing out potential sightings of animals like coyotes, elk, badgers and northern flickers. I saw some robins. But that’s not quite the point. I like signs, even if they point to failure. I will go on that walk again. I might never see an animal besides a robin but, like writing, failing to achieve what the sign says you’re looking for isn’t failure across the board. You still saw some stuff. You saw pine trees and aspens and a fence and some rusted cans and the sky and picked up a plastic bag and feel like some progress was made because you’re OK with the fact that the sign pointing to what you’re looking for and the actuality of what you saw were not at all the same thing.

1 comment:

Dr Write said...

Your letters are breaking my heart. In a good way.
I'm not sure the Governor has a heart...