Except it never is. Before we left for AWP in Austin, Erik and I had to completely empty out our kitchen so that while we were gone, the new kitchen cabinets could be installed. Our garbage can(and a number of neighbors' garbage cans were) filled to the brim. Packing for the trip and for Zoe's trip up to her grandparents, asking the neighbor to not only feed the cats but change the litter box, and check in with my webct students was work. AWP itself, although I was there for work, was not actually work. It was great fun. I saw my friends from SLC and friends who now live afar and my new colleagues. I made some new friends and connected with Dinty Moore who has been so kind to me. Erik was so cool and sat at the table in the Bookfair and sold magazines for me and Dave.
I'm thinking now of compiling some essays to teach next semester. I'll try to post some stuff at http://teach-essay.blogspot.com/
I'm really looking forward to working on syllabi for GVSU.
Which is part of the now work: more kitchen stuff-shop for cabinets, pay two tickets for my expired plates, send out Quarterly West, taxes. Another vacation masquerading as work.
Glad to be back.
Welcome back! Thanks for lunching and shopping on Saturday. It was the highlight of the trip, for me. Thanks for lunch, too. Wow! Such fun! I hope you'll meet me in Atlanta next year. . .
I personally hated that you were gone. AND without your computer. I know how hard it is to go through the remodel. I blocked it from the memory - but do have glimpses of toaster oven dinner when Cam was six months old. I can't wait for the new kitchen!!
Thank god for Toaster Ovens. Am currently eating toasted bagel right now! Now, if I could only make that Salad Lyonnaise I had with Lynn that Saturday....
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