This is just a list from today:
We are the Champions.
I'm gonna Rock & Roll all night, & Party every day.
Adell Brown RV Trailer (ads are the worst).
The Wheel in the Sky.
I have a Fast Car.
Everybody's Workin for the Weekend (it seems the 80's are the most apt to plague me).
Muscrat Love.
The Princess Pat, she Sailed across the Seven Seas (camp song from sisters' camp--totally unfair. I didn't even go to camp.)
I tried hard not to include too many lyrics so that you wouldn't suffer like I do. Perhaps I'll have more later, if I'm lucky :)
On another note--I'm watching Lord of the Rings Return of the King--the extended version (which I still need to BUY; it's on Starz) and Sean Astin deserved an Oscar. The line "I can't carry [the ring] for you, but I can carry you" is the sincerest bit of dialogue I've ever heard.
the song stuck in my head is the ABC countries song from They Might Be Giants. The bad thing about this is that kids like to listen to things over and over, so there is no hope of recovering. I also had "I Want to Be Sedated" stuck in my head, most likely from over exposure to that damn commercial.
Someone (maggie?) told me that Happy Birthday is the palette cleanser.
:) OK. After I get the Ramones out of my head, I'll try Happy birthday.
The song (since I'm pre-TMBG kid version) I get in my head from the TMBG weird album that no one loves called Apollo 18 and there's this weird riff that goes "I Walk Along Unseen Corridors." In fact, I'm off to put that in the CD player now.
Back in high school, all my female friends were into hair bands. Anything by Poison and Bon Jovi just won't leave me. (I think it's some kind of karmic hell.)
Yes, yes, yes! I think it is "I Walk Along Darkened Corridors." Is it "unseen corridors"? I always enjoyed the "What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?" and the "Please Pass the Milk Please" niblets of the "Fingertips" track on "Apollo 18."
Masterful. I love this album! Why do people hate it? It has "Spider" (Get rid of...) and "Hypnotist of Ladies" and countless other gems.
Sam Gamgee was definitely the hero in the entire trilogy.After all. according to Frodo himself: Frodo wouldn't have gotten very far if it weren't for Sam.
And about those songs that get stuck in your seems to happen at all the wrong times too. Ever tried to do an Econ exam with nothing but "Unskinny Bop" by Poison going thru your mind? [And btw.. i MUST say that it wasn't a song I chose... it happened to be the last song on the radio before I left home!]
aria =)
Yep. It is "darkened corridors." Another grim facet of the song-stuck-in-head is that I often (always?) have the lyrics wrong.
Sadly, The wheels on the bus... Lillian by Emmy lou...and now I have a Fast Car Tracy Chapman version thanks to nik...
The princess pat is a fantastic song. The girlscouts were really on to something. I think it's really about how a pirate woman/man (pat) stole (pirated) a big bag of rigabamboo... I think it's a stoner song. Go girlscouts...they didn't call me a brownie just for kicks did they???
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